Totally Unique. Professional Development.
We offer unique and custom online PD
to give your district the edge.
Our strategies will provide unique solutions that will increase technology effectiveness, collaboration, and communication for your students, staff, supporting departments, and community, allowing you to offer a better experience and ultimately expand your approach to personalized professional development.
Course Library Sneak Peek
Many districts across the state of Ohio have adopted Battelle’s Formative Instructional Practices (FIP). Teachers have received training on the importance of writing learning targets (i.e. learning objectives or I can statements) in student-friendly language, aligning lessons to the standards, and in the concept that a unit’s objectives should match the assessment.
However, as with most best-practices in education, the concepts make sense, but the implementation is a challenge. This course will help you implement the concepts you’ve learned in your professional development sessions in a manner that makes your instruction clearer, sharper, and more efficient.
Posting learning targets is often seen as another mandate teachers must comply with. Yes, we all know they should be posted every day and referenced, but in reality… how often do you actually use them with fidelity?
Far too often teachers operate from a place of fear with learning targets. We know we HAVE to have them displayed… if we don’t it’s an automatic “ding” on our observations.
We know that you have an understanding of how important reading is and believe that it is part of your job as an educator to help all students grow as readers. In this course, we will provide you with strategies to actually implement a classroom where annotation becomes the norm.
If the scenarios below resonate with you, this course is for you:
- You dedicate time to read in class, but there are students that you know do not actually read. Students are squirrely and it’s difficult to manage because students read at a different pace.
- You provide highlighters, but students end up with almost every word on the page highlighted (no matter how many times you instruct them to ONLY highlight the really important words). There are also your kiddos that end up only doodling with the highlighters.
- You provide excellent guided reading questions, but you find that students don’t actually read the passage. They skim and only jot down an answer (which may or may not be correct).
- You want students to read to learn, but you worry that the students that don’t read won’t get the info they need from the text.
- Not all students read at the same level. You have students that are reading at and below grade-level. How do you (realistically) accommodate all students in reading?
Do you have a process to manage your inbox, action items, scheduled events and tasks? Does your team share the same process or philosophy? Let’s jump in together to align your technology tools with an efficient and fun way of working!
Stress and anxiety reduces the efficiency of an organization; increased requested time off, reduced incentive for innovation.
Stress and anxiety have a negative impact on school culture; staff interactions, interactions with parents.
Teacher stress and anxiety have been linked to poor student-teacher relationships and the use of more punitive behavior management strategies.
Stress and anxiety influence teacher turnover; 16% (500,000) of teachers left their school. One half left the teaching profession and one half choosing employment at another school.
What Our Customers Have to Say
NSN’s professional development library is a valuable resource that, as an administrator, I will continue to use to differentiate the areas of growth and refinement that my staff need individually. Each course has a takeaway for any educator. Courses are packed full of practical applications to evidenced based approaches in our field. NSN has designed courses in a way that everyone will walk away with a new strategy/way of thinking to take back to the classroom.
The outline encourages educators to keep realistic expectations and to not let lack of perfection prevent anyone from starting. I have never finished a training feeling so energized to start planning the upcoming year. I can’t wait to take future trainings from NextStep.
Will I earn contact hours or ceus for courses?
Yes, upon completion of all NextStep courses, learners will receive a certificate of completion with the number of contact hours earned for the course. Contact hours are listed in course descriptions and range from 2.5-10 contact hours, depending on the length of the course. It is up to the learner to seek approval with their local LPDC committee prior to taking the course to ensure it will apply towards your licensure renewal.
confidentiality of content ?
If you are an organization contracting with NextStep to build a custom course for your organization, we will sign a non-disclosure agreement prior to course development. This legal document ensures that your course content remains confidential and will never be sold or shared with another entity.
what tech is needed to participate?
All of our online courses can be viewed on a computer, tablet, or smartphone. Users must have an internet connection and a speaker or headphones to listen to audio within the course.
accomodations for staff with disabilities ?
At NextStep we take inclusion seriously and strive to make our content accessible to all learners! As such, our LMS and course content is WCAG 2.0 complaint, as regulated by the Bureau of Internet Accessibility. Have a specific question regarding accessibility